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error message(message tool) not triggering in sequential order in block until done

8 - Asteroid
Hi- I require that both email to be triggered and error message to popup on the screen but in sequential order- i.e. email should trigger first and then error message should appear so that email does trigger otherwise if error appears first-email wont trigger- I'm attaching SS of config in which I have used block until done; however error message is triggering first still- can anyone explain why this is happening and any workaround for it ? I havent enabled cancel workflow on error as well


11 - Bolide

Happy to be corrected on this, but I believe the email tool will execute last. This is a deliberate function in order to make sure that emails are not sent if there's errors in the workflow. I may be mixing up the "Send Email" Workflow event, but I believe it applies to the Email tool as well.


The idea would be to make sure the email is correct and then send it, rather than send it and then check. The log will contain how many emails are sent. If it's a small run, I normally include myself on it as well so that I can see that it's sent, but would remove myself once in production and verified.

8 - Asteroid

Ok- Let me clarify a bit more- I'm sending out an email because there is an error (why is why I want the email trigger first)- the recipients who will see the error on the gallery are different from who will receive the email- This workflow is part of chained apps- which is why I have put in error tool to prevent workflow from running forward-hope this clarifies-hence I want the email to run first and error tool to run second. If there is any other way to stop workflow from running forward on triggering of this email-happy to look into that- for now error message is triggering but email isnt

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The append tool being connected from the same BUD - Output 1 seems sus, have you tried adding more BUDs and then make each one execute accordingly to your flow? It seems to be competing to go first, maybe try that?



Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
8 - Asteroid

Tried like this-but getting same error


8 - Asteroid

I am using table tool in my email tool-if it's possible to attach the table in the events email-I can leverage that as well- let me know

11 - Bolide

Using the workflow events will most definitely execute the email after the workflow finishes, but if you were to take that method, the way to include data is to write it out to a file and have that as an attachment on the email. Doesn't sound like that's what you're after though.


If Calvin's solution doesn't work, then it may be because of my earlier comment about the email tool always executing last.

8 - Asteroid

But I am using block until done-so shouldn't that sequence later ? Can you tell how I can write it out to a file and leverage the same file in existing workflow as an attachment in my events email- that would work for me

11 - Bolide

What I am saying is that my understanding is that the email tool will ALWAYS run last for the workflow. It doesn't matter the order of tools etc, it's a deliberate move that if the email tool is in a workflow, the send of any emails will be processed last and will not process if there is an error.


See for more information on that.


The event that I mentioned will execute AFTER the workflow. You can find it in the "Workflow - Configuration" window under the events tab. In your workflow, you can output to a file (will need to overwrite if running multiple times). And then add that as an attachment on the email event. I don't think that is going to fix your issue though.


Getting back to your original question:


It won't work to send an email and then do something else in the workflow. There is a chance that you can set up an event (maybe Run Command) to do that other thing AFTER the workflow. But that's not going to stop the next workflow in the chain from starting simultaneous to the event.


What I believe you are trying to do is send an email and if the email is sent then you want the chain broken. That's not a function of Chained Workflows, but you could output a token (txt file with a message in it for instance), that says "continue/stop" and your next workflow in the chain checks for that and doesn't execute if it says stop. 


Otherwise, control containers may be worth a look.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

If you're on v2023 and above, have you tried Control Containers to execute sequentially? The BUD should work, but based off what you said, you want it to execute in a specific manner. Otherwise chained apps is an alternative.


If both fails, then @KGT 's comment holds. 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE