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calculate the excel formal in Alteryx.

8 - Asteroid

Hi team,


i have attached the image with formula. the formula i wrote to explain you the values, but in real file its calculated through the cell number. Instead of cell number i mentioned the field which formula is using. Please let me know how to calculate the formula in Alteryx. You can use the mentioned values in PM(Previous Month and Actual values.

Formula for Clinker Variance.png

Red color: Variable cost fields and Values

Blue: Rate fields and values

yellow: Factor fields and Values.


Please let me know if you have any questions in the formula. I want the results of each row. Suppose if you see Factor Limestone so i mention the formula in front of that row in the formula field and so on. Please need help on this.


Best Regards,


8 - Asteroid

HI @Ace team, 


Looking for some help on the above Question 


Best Regards,


16 - Nebula

will you bale able to add sample input and expected output
will be in better position to help.

8 - Asteroid

Hi @Raj 


Please find the attached excel which have input and output sheet.


i want to calculate the variance formula which is calculated between Two month or may be between two FY or Between Two quarter.


output will be same as input just want to add the variance field in which it is calculated through the values in the data. 


Note: PM = Previous Month and Actual is the current the formula should work on all the months, all the FY and Quarter.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Best Regards,

