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Working with Macros Workflow on Alteryx Gallery

8 - Asteroid

Hello All,

I am working on a scenario on which I need an guidance from your end.



Step 1:- I created 3 different Batch Macros which read the data from source.
Step 2:- I created 3 different Standard Workflows, they are using the batch macros in it which is created on Step 1.


All the steps are created on Alteryx Designer on a local machine and its working completely fine.


Now I have to upload and automate these final Standard Workflows on Alteryx Gallery and run the workflow one by one using Conditional runner tool on a daily basis.

But after uploading the Final workflow I am facing an error on Macros Tool which is used in Step 2.


The error says that Macros not found and while opening the workflow the Macros is missing from the workflow.


Is it possible to upload the Standard Workflows with Macros in it?

Can you help me for this scenario and possible upload the sample workflow as well.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @shashank_shukla 


You can use custom macros on Gallery, but it requires you saving those macros on your Alteryx Server machine.

8 - Asteroid

Hello @Maskell_Rascal ,


Can you please tell how to perform uploading a macros on Alteryx Server.

If possible kindly attach the screenshot.


And please let me know what are the permissions are required to perform this task.


Thanks and Regards,

Shashank R. Shukla

19 - Altair

Are you uploading the macros as workflow assets? You can publish macros to gallery but they have to be part of your workflow assets (check out the box when publishing the workflow to gallery.). Something to note I believe Macros in your macro directory are not grouped as workflow specific macros - whereas macros which are in customized locations are considered workflow assets.

13 - Pulsar

Hi @shashank_shukla,


I unfortunately no longer work with an Alteryx Server, so I cannot provide screenshots. I can tell you from experience in the past that the way you setup macros to run on your Alteryx Gallery, assuming these are being called for an analytic app, would be the same process for how you save and map macros on your desktop designer. 


Login to the Alteryx Server as an admin, navigate to this location: C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Settings\AddOnData\Macros, and store your macro there. Then in the Alteryx Designer on the server, make sure to map the macro location in the user settings. 



Since you would be logged in as an admin, this should map the macro to all instances running on that server. 


19 - Altair

One more thing - I notice that you said while opening the workflow  - this would be opening the version downloaded from Gallery? The macro won't be included when you  download/open the Server version and you'll get an error message. It's a peeve of mine- but that has no relationship to if your Macro is on the server itself. The macro is on the Server if it's part of the workflow assets uploaded with the workflow (like the input data and output data samples)... I'd say check your error messages and post what you can.  It could very well be a location issue and not an issue with the Macro not running or not being on Server... One thing I like doing is uploading a workflow to analyze what is on my server. I can then search for files/filetypes and locations. If you make something like that and search for .yxmc - you can see what Macros are there and what locations they are at.


@Maskell_Rascalhopefully this is temporary - we need your server insights.

6 - Meteoroid

@apathetichell I get an error message saying The external program "***.exe" returned an error code: 1

I think this is because its coming from a macro.

If i am running an alteryx workflow in a gallery, where should I load the Macro?

19 - Altair

Hi - is this a macro you designed or a .yxi file you downloaded in your macro directory?


Former - must be uploaded as a workflow dependency. If it is your workflow will access it.

Later - you must download the .yxi file and set up on server directly.


I do not know why either would provide the .exe error. It sounds like Server is looking for an executable file which it cannot find. This is usually not caused by a macro but could be caused by a run command issue. It is possible an executable is in one directory on your designer and another on server.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for your response.


Its a macro I designed and it is a .yxmc file.


If it is a  .yxmc file, should I set up on the server directly?

19 - Altair

No - it should be included with your workflow as a workflow dependency (assuming it isn't saved in your root macro directory). Is there a run command (or other .exe executing) component of it?
