Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Workflow produces results on desktop but not when run on the server

8 - Asteroid


I have a workflow that runs from the server on my desktop. When running it on the desktop, it produces results. But when I run it on the server there are no results.



16 - Nebula

there are some possible issues such as


  1. Data source connectivity: Ensure that the server has access to all data sources used in the workflow and that the correct credentials are provided.

  2. Required libraries: Make sure that all required libraries and dependencies, such as custom plugins, are installed on the server.

  3. Permissions: Ensure that the Alteryx service account has the necessary permissions to access the necessary files and folders.

  4. Configuration: Check the server configuration and make sure it meets the minimum system requirements for Alteryx.

  5. Workflow design: Some desktop-specific features may not work on the server. Check for any unsupported features in your workflow and consider alternative solutions.

  6. Log files: Check the Alteryx server log files for any error messages or warnings that can help identify the cause of the issue.
