Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Workflow dependency properties (_externals\1 for replacement)

10 - Fireball

Hello Alteryx Community,


Needing your knowledge on workflow dependencies.  I am now planning to move my workflow from UAT to PROD server, however, I am getting error on below batch macro. Earlier, I copied the path highlighted in yellow and replace the path externals\1\ (in pink) because these batch macros were also saved in the first three path/locations.  However after I saved and closed the workflow, and re-open the workflow dependencies, they were returned in externals in C:\Users drive.


Question, how can I remove externals and replace it with the path highlighted in yellow? 





Hoping for your prompt assistance.


Thank you.

11 - Bolide

Hi  @PassION_es ,


One question:

- Did you open from private gallery or is this a downloaded copy?


I think if you open from the gallery, you should be able to save to PROD without changing those links.  Just make sure to select them in workflow assets to be "packaged" with the workflow.
