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What steps needs to be followed to convert Batch macro to standard macro?

9 - Comet

When I simply try converting I get more rows as output in Standard, I read that batch macro unions all output of each batch. Is there anything I am missing here? That needs to be performed to handle that group by from batch macro.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

You also need to group by your records in the macro configuration. A common set up is to use the Summarize Tool to to get your unique groups which feeds into the anchor with an upside down question mark. Your main data flows into the other anchor. And then you match your group in the Batch Macro Configuration, which you can think of like a join that processes records one batch at a time.


If it's still troubling you, feel free to send your macro with some dummy data and we (the community) can help set it up.

9 - Comet

Thank you @PhilipMannering 

I was trying to implement it in matillion, before reading your reply I was only iterating data for unique items.  Now I passing only set of uniquely summarized rows and I am getting desired output. 
