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Web Scraping

7 - Meteor

Hi, I am trying to extract all the lines which have say "You'll learn how to" or "You'll Learn How to" or "You'll learn to". Would appreciate any help! Workflow is attached below. Thanks!


16 - Nebula

Hey @zaina1498 ,


Your macro is not included in the yxmd file, you should create a packaged workflow and then share it

7 - Meteor

Hi @AngelosPachis 


Oh I wasn't aware of that, my bad! Are you able to access it now?

16 - Nebula

Yeap, thank you

16 - Nebula

So I've managed to get 69 records that contain the string you asked for. You don't necessarily need a batch macro for that, but let me know if that was what you are looking for.


Also, please make sure that you aware of the ethics behind web-scrapping and you might want to check with Alteryx if it's ok to webscrape their pages.

7 - Meteor


Okay sounds good. So I see that you have extracted the lines with "You'll learn how to" but I also needed the bullet points under each one, which is why when I parsed it I used the delimiter, <P>&nbsp;</P> to split it so that the bullet points under You'll learn how to don't get split up. Since you split it up line by line, the information under the You'll learn how to, doesn't carry forward. Do you see what I mean? So is there a way for me to extract the You'll learn how to: and the points under it as well? Thanks again for you help!

16 - Nebula

Yes I think that's doable, but in your question above you mentioned nothing about the bullet points. 


Let me have a look 🙂

7 - Meteor



Okay sorry about that! Thank you!

16 - Nebula

Hey @zaina1498 ,


I have also included the bullets in the workflow, hopefully this is good enough do you mind checking?



7 - Meteor


That's perfect!! Thank you so much for your help! Have an amazing day!:)
