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VISUAL QUERY BUILDER column/field search functionality

6 - Meteoroid



I would like to know if there is a search functionality in the VISUAL QUERY BUILDER WINDOW that lets the user directly search & select the specific field/column in a scenario where there are multiple columns (100+ columns), rather than scrolling through the entire list of field/columns names.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @SiddhantSurve 


There's a search bar in VQB to the top right of the window. Isn't that what you're looking for?



6 - Meteoroid

Thank you for your quick response @Thableaus, the search bar you mentioned is for searching through the tables in the DB, I want to check if there is a column search functionality within the selected table. visual query builder.png

17 - Castor
17 - Castor



Ok, I'm sorry I totally misread what you said.


I don't think there's a search functionality for that.


Which DB are you using? Maybe a DESCRIBE statement on Oracle, or a "select * from information_schema.columns" in SQL Server would help you to find out your columns quicker.



6 - Meteoroid



I'm connected to Oracle DB, I think this is a very important functionality if dealing with large number of columns like in my case, since there is not a search functionality at present I was thinking if it is possible to display the column name sorted ascendingly/descendingly in the VQB ? This would give me the benefit to quickly scroll to, rather than checking every single column name to arrive at my required column/field

8 - Asteroid

I connect to SAP Hana and it takes 5 minutes to load all the tables, making searching impractical.  Salesforce shows the fields in the order they were created.
