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Trailing Calculations

7 - Meteor



This post is a related to this post as although the solution was provided, the data I'm working with now is in tabular form and I can't back into the answer! I have the following table set up that shows the periods and weeks per period vertically and the categories horizontally. How do you create the three calculations listed with the long table into the wide table: 


  1. TTM with 4 month lag (excluding P9 & P10)
  2. TTM with 4 Week Month (excluding P9 & P10)
  3. TTM with 5 Week Month (excluding P9 & P10)

Assume the periods are associated with the beginning/ending of months in a standard calendar year. Thanks in advance!

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

Can you clarify why the calculation period is starting from 202208 to 202307?

7 - Meteor

I cut the data off for simplicity. It goes back multiple years but didn't want to clutter the example. I've edited the template to stop at 202312 instead. It's a rolling calculation that would occur when the data from the next period comes in. 
