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Upload to SFTP

6 - Meteoroid



I am trying to upload from an Alteryx workflow to an SFTP server.  I have used examples found on the community but can't get it to run successfully.  I am getting a response of 'No data received from [SFTP site]; Check the headers for details'.  When I check the headers it is saying HTTP/1.1 100 Continue HTTP/1.1 502 Could not relay message upstream.



16 - Nebula

Hi @ChrisPoynter 


This is a default response even if the data is uploaded sucessful for a lot of FTP servers out there, so at least by looking just at this, i dont consider that there is a problem here: 'No data received from [SFTP site]; Check the headers for details'.


The best way to check if your workflow is working as expected i believe is to download FileZilla (or any other software that allows you to see these FTP folders), connect to the same folder and check if when you upload files there with Alteryx, you can see them there with FileZilla.

6 - Meteoroid

Thanks for the response, useful to know that.


I do have access to the SFTP site and can see there is no file there.  It is strange because the workflow is giving me a message Records transferred:1



16 - Nebula



1)Are you sure that you are looking to the same folder that alteryx is putting the file inside?

2)Are you running the workflow and refreshing the FTP folder imediately to see if the file is there? I had a situation where a script was running periodically and picking the data from the FTP folder and moving the data to a different place on their server (this script was running on the server side and we didnt even know about it, so we also thought at first that the workflow was not working).


If these two are good, i dont know much more why it is not working, it should be.

6 - Meteoroid



Thanks for this.  I seem to have got a bit further but now I am getting the error "Error: Download (1): Error transferring data: Timeout was reached".

7 - Meteor

Were you able to solve this?

19 - Altair

Alteryx does not natively support SFTP using private keys. If you are trying to do that you will need to use winscp or paramiko in Python. 

6 - Meteoroid


I do have this working.  I think it was converting to Unicode UTF-8 that got it working for me.
