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Unable to setup Salesforce Input

7 - Meteor


I'm trying to set up Salesforce Input in my workflow. I entered all 4 items ,URL,Username,Password,SecurityToken, in Salesforce credentials and pressed the connect button. But the error message appeared the following.


Unable to reach SOAP API (check URL)




Alteryx Designer's version is






Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @yosukewatanabe


Did you see our How to Guide to the Salesforce Connector yet? 

It walks through setting up the connection and addresses some of the more common errors that might occur. 

Henriette Haigh
Technical Product Manager - Data Connectors
Alteryx, Inc.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for your reply.


Yes,I saw the document 'The 'How to Guide' to the Salesforce Connector'.

And I had set 'Enable API' in salesforce's permission set.


But it hasn't been solved.


In my network environment, authenticated proxy server is used for internet connection. the information of proxy server is set in the internet option.

Do I need additional settings in Alteryx Designer?


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @yosukewatanabe,

Alteryx should pick up the proxy settings but you may need to enable them manually by going to Options->User Settings->Edit User Settings->Advanced

There is an article on the community that walks through doing that. 


Depending on how the proxy is configured in the OS though some settings here may not be available or may not help with the issue. If this is the case you will have to work with your IT team to troubleshoot the connection through the proxy and find a resolution to the connection issue. 


One way to test if this is a proxy issue is to see if you can access salesforce without going through the proxy, e.g. from home or your IT can help you disable the proxy settings so you can try from work. 


Henriette Haigh
Technical Product Manager - Data Connectors
Alteryx, Inc.

7 - Meteor



I had changed the proxy settings from the option menu. I had succeeded to connect to salesforce application.

Thank you for your answer.
