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Transpose/Cross Tab - Losing data

7 - Meteor

Please disregard, I couldn't figure out how to delete the post.  Right after I posted this I figured out the issue.  🙂


Hi!  I'm hoping someone might be able to give me some ideas to solve an issue I'm having.  I have a workflow with a transpose tool.  On the transpose tool I have a result of 1,984 records.  However, the crosstab that it connects to only shows 178 records, so I am missing over a thousand records.  I need it to show all 1,984 and I can't figure out why it is only showing 178 when it comes to the cross tab.  Any advise?  I have added an attachment to this post to show the key columns, data columns, etc. that I have selected.  

19 - Altair

you have 178 distinct values in [EIN]. Add a record id prior to transpose. use that as a key column in both. also - you are set for cross-tab/count values - not crosstab first/last or sum.

12 - Quasar

Hi @Brook_G —  If you attach a sample workflow or dummy records, that will be helpful to assist you quickly.
