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Text tool or dynamic tool


Hello Alteryx Community,

I'm currently working on an Alteryx workflow and need some assistance. My goal is to create a dynamic search feature where, upon entering a name in a textbox or dynamic field, the workflow will retrieve all related data associated with that person from a dataset. The challenge is that the name could be present in any column, not just a specific one.

For instance, if I input the name "Peter H.," the workflow should search across all columns and, if found, it should

display the corresponding 'Req ID' and other related details from those rows.

Here's a brief overview of what my dataset looks like: 

(attaching the ss)

I am seeking guidance on how to structure this workflow to effectively search across multiple columns and pull all relevant information based on the input name. Any insights, tools, or functions within Alteryx that could facilitate this would be highly appreciated.


Thank you all


Hopefully this gets you started. I've used pivots to search across multiple columns. What probably could still be improved is that we are searching for Peter H. or whatever is put into the text box, but this does not capture the alternative version of the name hpeter


I think maybe turning this into a dropdown of all the names and then finding the alternative version of the name and then looking for ReqIDs with either of those would be good next steps but I've got this one a s a basic one to start off.




Thank you so much for the help but i have one question

 We have used filter tool for peter H

but if i have 20 names 

i have to enter 20 names in filter box?


and how that will be applied on action button as well?



Thats right.

i think drop down will resolve our case to enter the names in filter tool again and again

can you help me how to configure dropdown tool please.

how will drop down work if i have to enter

names like

Peter H.

Ryne S.

Hu Q.


thank you so much.


@ed_hayter  let me know if you can help me with this drop down as well. I appreciate the guidance and help

thank you so much

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Instead of the Contains statement in the filter, I would do [Value] IN (“Placeholder”)


In the Action tool then, you’ll select this statement and then at the bottom, select “Replace a specific String” and only keep “Placeholder” in there. 

Lastly your Drop Down tool would have the list of people, but you need to select “Generate List” option rather than the “Select Tool Mode”


Thank  you so much.

@alexnajm  But, 
I have made the changes to my workflow

Except for the third one. As i am unable to see the dropdown list of the people in my drop down tool.


please find the attached ss for your reference

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Make sure to keep the quotes with the “Replace a Specific String”! (only do this if you end up doing the List Box option) And then for your drop down, you can do the manual option instead of “Field Types” - then you just type out the names with one per line. 



  • for replace a specific string

i have mentioned 


and for drop down 

i have selected 

attached option still unable to see the names


you mentioned- just type out the names with one per line - you mean where? And how ?


doubt2: as with text box cross tab tool showed two results why with drop down i am unable to  see any record output with summarize tool or cross tab or join tool?

and if possible i request if can you just configured the above workflow till summarize. For more clarity .

i apologise for confusion.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

You have to type out the names in that big white box section once you select the “manual” option. See attached based off of @ed_hayter 's workflow.

It’s not going to produce any output since the Filter is configured to keep “Placeholder” - if you want a regular value, you can keep ANY value there in that filter. You just also have to change the “Replace a Specific String” to that new value as well
