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Tableau publish timeout

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball



I have an issue to publish my results to Tableau dashboard.


My workflow completes to run around 2 hours. Tableau has 40 minutes timeout value that we can't modify it. When Alteryx runs the workflow, it open a Tableau session which it finishes to run and at the very end it tries to write to Tableau that the session already invalidated. I couldn't fins a solution how to fix it.


The only fix I can imagine is to convert the workflow to a chained application which first would save the results to a database, and then to connect to the database and publish as Tableau data source. Because I use append method on Tableau, and I can drop the database every time I have new data.


Any body have any other suggestion?


Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE

Can you add a block until done right before the tool and have a browse come out of the #1 tool and the Publish to Tableau coming out of the #2? I think that should ensure that the data exists in the browse before establishing the Tableau connection and writing. 


Alternatively, you could write out your data to a hyper file with an Output Data tool or write it up to a database where you could directly connect a tableau dashboard to. 

10 - Fireball
10 - Fireball

I tried Block Until Done and also Parallel Block Until Done, both don't work. Regardless what I do, Alteryx always connects to the Tableau server (even doesn't write anything, but authenticate the session), and at the end of the run, tries to write which is already expired.


Your second option it looks nice. I tried to write it to the database, but it was slower than Tableau data source. So I decided not to do that way. 


To write as a hyper is an option, then I should upload to a Tableau server that this is similar chained application concept.


I will keep this open a little bit more maybe I can get different suggestions.  If not, you have the solution 🙂



Albert Alaluf
Alteryx ACE

You could write your hyper file to a network drive that the Tableau Server has access to which would bypass the need for the Publish to Tableau Server tool. Ultimately that tool is just putting a hyper file up into the file system of the Tableau Server so it would be working very similar in practice. You may want to send an email to our support team at just to get this logged and see if they have some additional recommendations as it relates to the Publish to Tableau Server tool. Otherwise I think the hyper file written to a network drive should also work as expected. 

7 - Meteor

I copied the file on shared point (Hyper), How to i publish to Tableau Server.


Any thoughts are much appreciated.
