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Tableau Output tool freezes Alteryx - [Error] The specified network name is no longer ava

9 - Comet

Hi All,

I am having a many many issues with this tool.  It is to the point where Alteryx is unusable for most of its previous applications.  Since the old tool has been depricated, I cannot do anything with Tableau spatial.  Additionally now that the new is requiring DCM, the tool has completely quit working.  Any time I place the Tableau Output tool on the canvas and connect anything to it (csv, sql etc.) it freezes.  Freezez to the point I have to task manager out of it.


If I look in my logs, I get this message.


[Error] IOCompletionCallback
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): The specified network name is no longer available


This does not make sense.  Tableau server created a token for me.  The tool itself connects.  I can see in the tool my data files to which I want to update, but when this tool is connected to an input.  I freezes.


Any help would be appreciated.

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @JohnMaty 


You can always continue to use to use old Publish to Tableau Server tool, even though it is deprecated.  


