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Tableau Output Error: Tool #XX: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

6 - Meteoroid

Hi all,


In Alteryx 2021.3, I'm finding that the Tableau Output tool isn't working in the Scheduler. (not Gallery!)


The workflow publishes fine when run manually. But when running on schedule, I'm getting the error message "Error: Tool #XX: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'" - after some searching it sounds like this is an issue with credentials in the Connection Manager?


I've hunted through User and Controller settings and set SDK to "Allow" but still seeing the same problem. 

7 - Meteor

Many ongoing issues... I was able successfully connect it and run with ONE output source after multiple attempts :). However, adding more than 2 outputs in the same workflow creates additional challenges. No solution at the moment and we are trying to engage Alteryx support team... I am using 2021.4.2 version of Alteryx and the latest "Tableau Output" v1.4.1


1. “Failed to signin to Tableau”
2. “NoneType” object has no attribute “get”
3. “Failed to connect to the server”
4. “Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)”



6 - Meteoroid

@michaelkostinovski I am using 1.4.0 for writing the data to the Tableau Server and for reading back 1.4.1 which is working as expected


1. “Failed to signin to Tableau” - This could be due to a DCM sync issue. Check if you have AMP enabled and SDK Mode set to "Allow All"
2. “NoneType” object has no attribute “get” -  DCM issue 
3. “Failed to connect to the server” -  This could be due to a DCM sync issue. Check if you have AMP enabled and SDK Mode set to "Allow All"
4. “Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)” - Check if your data header is having two rows.

7 - Meteor

1.4.0 is not available to download, so I can't check it.


DCM issues were checked and tested with ONE output (2 MAX) and they worked, but as soon as you configure more workflows and schedule them on the server then all kind of issues with synch are popping up. Looks very sporadic and not consistent. Very frustrating... Sometimes, the workflow overwrites 2 files and fails one. The other day, just one out of 3 and etc... 

11 - Bolide

I got tired of dealing with Tableau Output's issues in my environment and created a workflow that publishes the hyper file to Tableau using the Python tool. It's a hack job, but it gets the job done. One day or another, I'll go back in and make it prettier.


One of the biggest issues I faced occurred when publishing huge amounts of data to the Tableau Server. The dataset I used to test has  13,661,853 rows and is 15.6 GB uncompressed. When published to a hyper file, it is slightly under 3.7GB.


Publish to Tableau on Alteryx Server 2022.1 – approximately 30-45 minutes to publish.

Tableau Output on Alteryx Server 2023.2 – Anywhere between 45 minutes to 21 hours. However, the tool fails more often than it succeeds.


Similar results are observed when using Alteryx Designer.



7 - Meteor

Unfortunately, it doesn't work for older 2021 version of Alteryx that allowed by my company to use. - Thank you thou

11 - Bolide

You should be able to open it in 2021 even though it'll throw a version error. 

7 - Meteor

My Alteryx crushes all the time. I still have to push towards the "approved" tool thou as company uses it in many different departments. Thank you for your help thou! 

11 - Bolide

This was shared internally by a user in my company when dealing with the Tableau Output tool.


1. Replace the previous Tableau Output tool with the following configurations. This ensures a new tool ID. Fixing the existing tool doesn't seem to work if it failed previously.
2. Use DCM connection for Tableau credentials
3. Use version 1.4.1.
4. Use the overwrite method for the datasource.
5. Do not output date-time columns to the Tableau server. Convert it to string.
6. For workflows with multiple Tableau outputs, use block until done before Tableau outputs (tested this works for same data source names across different Tableau projects).


I hope this helps you.

7 - Meteor

I have tried everything up to #6... I got the same suggestions from the Alteryx support team. I will try again thou, but this is just very frustrating... - Thank you
