Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Table extraction from PDF

7 - Meteor

Hi Alteryx Community,


For a start, I have an Alteryx Intelligence Suite. My situation is that I have multiple PDFs with each having different table format, is there a possibility that I can automate extracting those tables in Alteryx for further analysis? Would really appreciate if the community could share some workflow.


Thanks and regards.

5 - Atom

Hi @james89 - this thread could be a similar case as yours: Extract Data from PDF by Auto-detecting Table (Int... - Alteryx Community

7 - Meteor

Hi Anjelabugarin,


Thanks for the reply. My question is if somebody send me email with table, and I would save the email in PDF format. How would I get Alteryx to read the table within the email that was just PDF-ed. Besides assuming each email PDF-ed would contain different table format. Would like to know whether is there a way around in Alteryx to ease the automation?


