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Suppress Errors from Run Command / Email Tool not working

7 - Meteor

Hello all,


I have this workflow that uses Run command to create folders, writes files to those folders and then Emails those files as attachments to recipients.


Issue is that the command tool produces an error (" Run Command (1) The external program "cmd.exe" returned an error code: 1") when there is already a folder already created which in turns blocks the email tool from working (" Email (306) No Messages were sent because the workflow has an error.")


Is there a way to either suppress the errors from run command or allow the e-mail tool to send the attachments?


Any assistance would be most appreciated.

Thanks for reading.


12 - Quasar

Hi @Yas 


Ensure that you are using the Block Until Done tool to first execute your Run command, then the email.

Also, in your Workflow - Configuration | Runtime...deselect 'Cancel Running Workflow on Error'

You may opt, if appropriate, to include a link to the files in the emails instead of attachments.

7 - Meteor

Thanks @HomesickSurfer for the prompt reply.


I have Block Until done implemented and also "Cancel Running Workflow on Error" is unchecked, yet the issue still persists.


Good idea about the link though, thanks.
