Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Suggestions for Best Practices to ask a question on the Community

15 - Aurora

Am I the only one who has noticed that a fair number of Community questions require us to ask a question in return, before we can try to help?


I've read numerous "questions" that appear to be a random string of words, thrown together in 20 seconds, while I (and others) spend time reading and re-reading the post.


Would a FAQ or Best Practices or Checklist be helpful?


In a world of instant messaging, it seems like the art of thoughtful questions has been lost.




Have you ever noticed that your question has 81 views, and 0 replies?


Use these Best Practices to ask a question on the Community, and receive free replies from our team of experts with years of experience:


  • Describe with sufficient detail:  What is the problem?  "it does not work" may cause many people to skip over your question
  • Please include sample input and expected output: as an Excel attachment or as a table (not an image) in the text of your question
  • Spend some time to provide sample input that represents the true full spectrum of your actual data.
    • Example:  if you say your fields are "Month 1", "Month 2", "Month 3", your fields should NOT actually be "Month 1 ABC", "Month 2 DEF", "Month 3 XYZ789".
  • Post a sample workflow. To include data files with your workflow: create a YXZP file using Options > Export Workflow
  • What have you already tried?
  • Do you not know where to start, still staring at a blank canvas?
  • Have you already read other Community posts or used the Search function?
  • If you are asking about reading in multiple Excel Sheets or Files, the answer lies in Community Search




Language barriers are understandable, to be expected.


But when we’re talking about asking a question… are there "thoughtful" ways to share our wisdom and experience with a new generation?


Any poets out there that could summarize the art of thoughtful questions?


13 - Pulsar

I like the Month example. A few of us provided workflows to solve the original problem, then the scope changed. 

12 - Quasar

I think a question format guide would be very helpful. I would say all workflow related questions should have the following:

1.Describe the problem. (Image you are describing your process of getting from your input to your output without Alteryx to an intern)

2.Provide sample input data and expected output data.

3.Anything that is dynamic should be noted in the description.

4.Provide your current workflow if possible.
