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Spliting address

5 - Atom

How is the best way to do this. I need to located the street address, city state and postal code and it could be in any of these 5 columns. I thought to combine them in one cell then use Reg to split them. But not sure how to write the reg out to find the street address. But than is it better to leave it seperate?

16 - Nebula

can you share sample input and sample output for more clarity.

12 - Quasar



What level of accuracy is expected?

Bad data = bad results

I'm not even slightly comfortable to attempt parsing it.

Sorry I can't offer any guidance.

9 - Comet

I took this approach. I used regex to parse a pattern from one specific column. The regular expression looks for a pattern that starts and ends with digits. I've anchored this to the zip-code as that pattern always contained 5 non word characters. I left two output options which you can choose from. 

Quick resource. I love regexr when it comes to Regex problems









5 - Atom

To split an address, you can use various methods such as string manipulation functions or regular expressions. Common components to extract include street address, city, state/province, postal/ZIP code, and country. These components can be parsed based on known patterns or delimiters. Additionally, specialized libraries or APIs are available in programming languages like Python or JavaScript to facilitate address parsing and normalization.
