I want to produce a Box and Whisker diagram with a X axis of credit rating, and a Y axis of interest rate.
Both X axis and Y axis need to be sort ascending.
Therefore, I put a 'sort' before 'Interactive Chart' as below.
While, I find it's unable to make both X axis and Y axis in an ascending order in the same time.
If I sort 'interest rate' (Y-axis) in an ascending order in the first; and sort 'interest rate' (X-axis) in an ascending order in the second (see below), it comes with the diagram on the left (interest rate (Y) is ascending, but credit rating (X) is not).
If I exchange the order of 'credit rating' (X) and 'interest rate' (Y) (see below), it comes with the diagram on the right (interest rate (Y) is not ascending).
The root cause is some interest rate only appears in the lower credit rating.
When Alteryx produces the diagram, look like it sort the interest rate under the first credit rating first. When there is a new rate in the next rating, even it's among the range of the first rating, it won't be inserted in the initial interest band.
Could you please help? Thanks.
Hi, @imTonyYao - check the field type of your interest rate field and make sure that it is a numeric type (such as float or double). It looks like it is currently a string. You can use a Select tool to change the field type.
Once you change the interest rate field to a numeric type, you should only need to sort the credit rating field. You won't need to sort the interest rate field, since it will be a continuous axis.