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Snowflake in-db browse very slow

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi community,


I have been facing some issues with a client’s project that uses Snowflake and in-DB.


When I run this workflow, it takes 3.5 seconds to complete, but the same workflow with the in-DB Browse takes 30 minutes. Any idea what could be causing this?

The ODBC configuration has nothing out of the ordinary as well.


Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino

19 - Altair

Are you using DSII or the "recommended" driver? Is this on SSO?


my test run was 100 record browse in 4.5 seconds In-DB - (source has about 20 fields  and "a lot" of records)

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @apathetichell ,


Thank you for your answer.

We did our test with the drivers available on the data source's page (not sure what DSII means 😅). 




Fernando Vizcaino



Hi @fmvizcaino - Do I understand correctly that the workflow runs slower if you use a Browse In-DB tool?


If that's the case then check the configuration of your Browse In-DB. In-DB tools push down processing to the data source side. However, Browse In-DB will download data from your data source to the Desktop to allow you to see a preview in the results window. This looks like a bottle neck, which causes a delay.



19 - Altair

@fmvizcaino On that page there are two distinct drivers - the "approved" SIMBA driver and the "Not Certified Driver From External Provider" - the later is the Snowflake provided DSII driver. I use it. I set up via SAML/SSO - but my hunch is service account would be just as good. 


my related question would be if you are setting a default compute warehouse and if it's a size x-small... I'd expect this would affect input data as well though.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you both for the answers.

@ArtApa , I understand that the browse in-db tool downloads the data, but from 3.5 seconds to 30 minutes for the basic 100 rows download seems too much. 


@apathetichell , I didn't know that, thanks! We are using a service account to run and have tested both drivers.


19 - Altair

if you want to have a call on this - I can try to walk you through some config options - this behavior is pretty odd. My config is incredibly simple for the DSII and my connection string in-DB is pretty straight forward too. 


If I didn't see anything glaringly wrong I'd recommend creating a new configuration in ODBC 64 for a system vs a user (or a user vs a system) and then creating a new In-DB connection. I'd also recommend leaving default compute warehouse blank - if possible, and retesting this on a really simple query (refresh tables and choose a random table)... If there is a syntax issue in the query Snowflake might get unhappy....  


13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @fmvizcaino!


I'm subscribing to this post because I'd love to hear of your outcome. I haven't experienced this issue specifically with Snowflake, but there have been other times I have noticed significant latency in the In-Database tools vs. regular input. Please let us know what you find out.



8 - Asteroid

I'm having the same issue, roughly. I have a query that is about 900k rows (250MB, more or less) and it took 4s in the Snowflake UI and took me 4 hours in my INDB data-stream-out tool. 

That is... ridiculous. 

I'm using the Snowflake DSII Driver rather than the Simba driver; it shows up as Snowlake ODBC in my configuration on the read side (and on the write side, I am getting the bulk loader, which I think would in theory be a good thing). The instance I have in Snowflake is an x-small, but, again, 4 hours for 250MB is just... not right. 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Cedric ,


In my case, the issue was related to the query generated by Alteryx. Our table had more than 2 hundred column and even using select *, Alteryx were translating that into a ginormous query instead of keeping the *.


You can use the dynamic output in-db to check your query. 



In addition to that, for in-db workflows with a lot of tools, I suggest including temporary tables in a few places there with the Write Data In-DB tool to simplify the resulting query.




Fernando Vizcaino



