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SharePoint List Input Error - Unknown string format

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

We just upgraded to Alteryx 2024.1 and with that upgrade, we upgraded our SharePoint tools. I am running into an error with one of the SharePoint list input tools. I am getting an error "unknown string format" on a column that is a calculated column in SharePoint. Ultimately, I can recalculate this column in Alteryx. I don't have to bring it in from SharePoint. But, I have taken the calculated column out of the view that I am pointing the SharePoint list input tool at and I keep getting this error. I have also created a new view without this column, but I still get the error. I have also tested this out with a dummy list. As soon as I add a calculated column to the list, it starts failing with the connector. I have to delete it out of the SharePoint list to get it to run. I can't just take it out of the view, which isn't a workable solution.

5 - Atom

Hi, did you have any luck with this? I just updated my Sharepoint tool and I am also experiencing this. Thanks

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

I reached out to support, and it is a known issue that doesn't have a fix yet. I checked the most recent tools, and it's still a problem. I created another list and had to add in extra architecture to my project to work around it.

5 - Atom

Thank you for the update. 
I continued to work on this and in my case this seems List specific, within the same SharePoint site I can connect to a different list and download its data with no issues. 
It may be a particular field data type that it doesn't like so i will continue my testing and report back if I have any success. 
