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Send an Excel File to ServieNow via API

5 - Atom

I have a pretty simple file I want to create in Alteryx and send to ServiceNow - my issue is formatting the excel file into a format that can be received by ServiceNow.


I have my API URL configured properly as my ServiceNow ticket is able to receive an attachment but the data is corrupted when I open the file - what steps should I take once I render my table to make the file suitable to be sent via the download tool?

13 - Pulsar

Ive only used the Download Tool to send files via FTP, but I assume this is a similar process.

Use a Blob Input tool for the excel file and pass the blob to the Download Tool as the payload.

You may also need the additional step of using a Blob Convert tool to convert the blob to Base64 encoded. I dont need that step for my FTP transfers, but not sure how ServiceNow would handle the regular blob.

Give both ways a shot. Hopefully that helps.


19 - Altair

can you provide a sample endpoint you are using in the ServiceNow api documentation? Is this SOAP or Rest? Can you share the configuration of your download tool. @SPetrie 's suggestion is very good. You'd also add content-type in your download tool. Probably  application/octet-stream  - but some of that is specific to the API and the file.
