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Send Email According to Condition with Record or No Record

11 - Bolide

Hi and good day to everyone,


I have been having a hard time determining a solution to the workflow I am creating. I have used the sample workflow sent to me and since there are different scenarios, this sample seems not to be applicable. I would like to very ask for an extending arm to provide me an answer to I am seeking.


When reading a directory, I may get a file with no records or with records. If the excel file has no records, it will create and send an email contents and looks like this together with the attachment.:


no record.PNG

If the file has record or records, the email will look like this with the excel file attached and number of record posted.


with record.PNG

Created a workflow but failure because it keeps on sending two emails instead of one. Below the workflow I created in that maybe you can revised to correct or update it.



Special mention to @binuacs, @raj to please extend me a hand. 


Attaching a sample files for your reference. The one has records and the other has none.


Thanks and hoping to hear you the soonest.



20 - Arcturus

@KamenRider updated workflow attached


11 - Bolide

Hi @binuacs 


Thanks for the reply. Tried the workflow and both is working in showing the table. However, is it okay to ask another favor. The requirements is if there are items found, there is no need to show the table. Results of the email should look like this.



Looking forward for your response.



11 - Bolide

Hi @binuacs 


Would like to follow up your response on my request.



