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Same table in different schemas in output

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


I am reading data from a table from a SQL server database table, but I want to insert the data in same tables with different schemas. How can I dynamically change the schemas in output tool in a batch macro.  

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris


Do you think you can provide a sample for the input and output?

7 - Meteor

Hi Qiu,


I have 10 similar tables in different databases in SQL server. For eg, for the table orders I have CustomerA.Orders , Customer B.orders. Now I have to transform the data and load the data in 1 database (eg. Customer database ) which has 3 schemas (Customer A, Customer B, Customer C ) and three Tables CustomerA.orders, CustomerB.orders, and CustomerC.order. 

Now I am able to read the data from all three customers using a macro but I am not able to insert data in three tables based on customers. The problem is I can change the connection string manually but the input sample will be different for different tables (orders, products, department). How can I build a reusable macro where input varies on the tables.
