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Salesforce Output Tool - Inserting Records

7 - Meteor

Can anyone provide details on how fields should be named when attempting to use Alteryx Designer Desktop to insert records? Im mainly asking how RecordtypeID and referenced object fields should be titled or if they are required at all. 

Pretty sure these are the problem fields in my workflow. I initally had account__c named "ID" and that did not work. Updating to other fields on existing records works fine.



Currently, when I attempt inserting records, the flow freezes at the output tool for a long time.  

7 - Meteor

It needs to match the Salesforce API naming exactly. So for record type the field name should be "RecordTypeId"

That's a standard field name, so that will never change no matter the object. There are custom fields like the Account__c that are configured specifically in your org and will differ from object to object.
Outside of the Alteryx scope, I would recommend getting access to the "Setup" section of Salesforce if you're going to be interacting with it a lot. It should be a gear with a lightening logo in the top right of your SF interface. 

Once in there, you can view every object, every field, and the API name for each field. It's like a SF cheat sheet.


7 - Meteor

The flow is still stalling when I want to insert only 5 records. Do you use the api name to label fields for referenced / look up objects in your workflows?

5 - Atom

I am currently having the same issue. We are trying to insert work orders through an Alteryx process. The insert doesn't seem to work in our UAT environment, but I have another workflow that will insert just fine on our PROD Weekly Snapshot object. 


Unable to tell whether this is a testing environment issue or if tables outside of the snapshot have issues with data inserts. 


Did you ever find a solution?

7 - Meteor

No solution or new attempt at it from me. So sorry.

7 - Meteor

Some progress was made by doing the following : 


  • Use the select tool to rename and reorder fields before the SF Output tool. 
  • For updating and inserting records - Make sure the record ID (in the case of inserts, the related records) is at the top of the order and renamed to "Id"
  • "RecordTypeId" should be the second field after "Id" if you are inserting
  • Use API labels on all fields. For example "The Address" should be renamed to "The_address__c" if its a custom field. Unsure about standard fields.
  • Also make sure the fields are "updateable". Workbench can show you which is and which is not - along with other details on field types and api labels.
  • Make sure date fields are formatted correctly. For us in our org, we need to add end of the year due dates to records. Using the Formula tool to make the field "Due_Date__c" with the value '2024-12-31' as the date data type works fine. If you have specific dates to populate into a date field in SF, then you may need to configure a datetime tool to ensure theyre changed and formatted correctly. If this is formatted wrong either the process will stall or error with "Data not valid". If you upload text to a field thats is boolean, you will get the same result. This ties back to checking workbench for the data types of your fields.
  • Make sure to unselect all fields that are not being mapped to something in salesforce. Only have fields named and formatted for salesforce fields selected to go to the output tool. Any fields not corrected to the API label will make the process stall.


Hope this helps.

7 - Meteor

@sorierop  please review the points above

7 - Meteor

To be more specific about Inserts - you need to reorder the fields to be to the top of all other fields in the select tool - even ones that are unselected. The related object ID should be the field on the very top and "RecordTypeId" following. All other fields should follow directly behind this. If unselected fields are in the middle or at the top, the process will stall.


Also- capitalization matters. For Updates, "ID" will not work due to the capital D.

The screenshot in OP has "recordTypeId" which will not work with the lowercase R. Alteryx and SF is very specific this way.


Here is an example of select tools on flows that are successfully inserting records. Below, we are making records against Accounts so "Accounts__c" needs to be the very first field - followed by RecordTypeId". Note that Business_Contract__c looks to be an api name but its not the way its named in the record we are creating. That is an API name of the field that was pulled from another object.

Therefore, it needed to be corrected to the API name utilized by that the object that we are inserting to. 



In this below example, I believe the records we are creating only has one record type. So a RecordTypeId field is not necessary.

"Name" is the API name of the field we are creating so "Name" as the field name is correct here. 



7 - Meteor

@sorierop i apologize - last time ill @ you.  you are going to want to see the information above as well.

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