Hi There,
I have been trying to follow posts in the community for the below scenario but, couldn't figure out anything.
I have an existing excel with 6 data tabs and 2 pivots tables. I have been successfully been able to develop a workflow to have the data tables replaced and the Excel refreshes pivots on opening. But, before i run the workflow i manually open the excel and delete historic data in the data tabs. The output tool configuration i used is "Append to existing" . This way, i get the data out of my workflow into the Data tabs(which has been cleared of data but has headers intact) in the excel format that the file originally has.
Challenge: Is there a way to open the excel and delete the historic data, re-save and close it through Alteryx. So, that i can use this before i Input the data to my existing workflow and process the output. This'll save a lot of my time.I know this can be probably be done using Run Command. But, not sure how to do it.
Can someone help me how to achieve it?
You can use PowerShell commands via the Run tool to manipulate Excel sheets. Example site is https://sqlnotesfromtheunderground.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/modifying-excel-documents-with-powershel...
However, I don't understand why you can't edit the Alteryx workflow to delete the records first and then repopulate with the new data. I've attached a rough example
The user wants it to work that way. The historic data should be removed by Alteryx.
I did try my luck with Run Command. So, i created a VB script (saved as .vbs). The file runs fine and deletes the data on the Data tabs, saves and closes the excel. So, i know that the script has no issue when ran without Alteryx. However, when i run it through Alteryx Run Command tool i get an error which i have no clue about. Below is the screenshot of my workflow and the error.
Below is the configuration of the Write Source under the Run Command
I have been struggling to understand why is Alteryx errors out when the VBS file runs fine.
Please help if you can :(
ok - if it needs to be vbs then take a look at this thread where @jdunkerley79 has solved the issue and has posted an example
Hi @GrahamL
I checked your overwrite solution and it did help me with what I needed to do so thank you so much! :)
This might be a very basic question but what does the 1=0 actually mean in the filtering tool?
I can see what it's doing but I don't understand why it works.
Thank you in advance :)
Hi GrahamL
I had the similar issue and this workflow solved the problem. Thank you for the flow.
But have a question what is 1=0 in filter?
If you click a cell and then press DELETE or BACKSPACE, you clear the cell contents without removing any cell formats or cell comments. If you clear a cell by using Clear All or Clear Contents, the cell no longer contains a value, and a formula that refers to that cell receives a value of 0 (zero).
Rachel Gomez