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Return a bespoke statement

8 - Asteroid

Hi All - I'm trying to find a formula to return 2 different bespoke statements. In my data, I have 2 (SCSFEE Gross and INVFEE (net) columns, one can have a value of =>0 and in the other column, a statement saying 'NO FEE UPLOADED LAST YEAR' can be either way around. If there is a value (including 0) I want to return the statement SCSFEE & INVFEE FROM LAST YEARS RETURN AS SPANNING COURSE SESSION and if BOTH columns say 'NO FEE UPLOADED LAST YEAR' then return the statement again 'NO FEE UPLOADED LAST YEAR' but in te=he column I want to add. Hopefully the data attached will make sense of what I'm trying to achieve. Thank you so much in advance :) 

16 - Nebula

find thw workflow attached
mark done if solved.

8 - Asteroid

Thank you @Raj You are brilliant! 
