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Render and different sheets in one main report

7 - Meteor

Hi, I am almost new in working with Alteryx.

I have 2 Basic tables and need to join them as one single Excel output, but each in a different Excel sheets( Sheet1 & Sheet2) . I can easily do the same thing with simple output, but not with Basic tables.

I believe the answer is working with Render, but how can I set each table as a different Excel sheet in my final report?


Thank you.

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Nargess, attached is a sample workflow to help you achieve what you are looking for. The order of operations I used are:

  • Added a formula tool and included the desired TabName after every Table tool
  • Union'ed the two datasets
  • Included a Layout tool and Grouped the data by TabName (created in formula tool upstream)
    • Selected Vertical with Section Breaks as the option in Layout Configuration section
    • Selected TabName in the Section Name
  • Selected excel as the output type in the Render tool.


I hope my explanation made sense, and welcome to the Alteryx Community!

7 - Meteor

Hi @AbhilashR ,

Thank you for that, but I got both tables in one sheet. Is that true or I needed to put another function or anything to have each in one Excel tab?PIC.png

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Nargess,


Please make sure in your layout tool in "Orientation" you have selected as "Vertical with Section Breaks" and "Section Name" you're using your "TabName" field.




If both of these are correct then click on your render tool. Because you're currently outputting to a temporary excel spreadsheet you'll see a link to the .xlsx file that is created in your messages results pane.



To create a non temporary file change your output mode to "Choose a Specific Output File" and select an excel file using the box below (save button on right hand side of text box) to choose your file type and file name. Finally run your workflow and you should see a link to the file created in the messages of your render tool.




If this solves your issue please mark the answer as correct, if not let me know! I've attached my workflow for you to download if needed.




15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Hi @Nargess, in the solution I provided, viewing the data in the browse tool makes it look like it is one page but once it goes to Render tool, it will split the data into multiple excel tabs.

7 - Meteor

How would you sort which tab comes first?

19 - Altair

As long as they are different report snippets (ie tables) that's fine. Once they've been converted to report snippets they are treated like separate xml objects without schema integration. IE like different excel worksheets.

7 - Meteor

If I had a rendered 3 excel tabs. 2 are employee detailed information and a summary of all employees. How would I put the Summary as Sheet1 and all employees after regardless of the tab/employees name? NO workaround like "0_Summary", "1_employeeName" is ok. 

19 - Altair

you send 3 fields into your layout.

1) table - a report snippet

2) sheet - your sheet names.

3) filename - your filename...


there are some ways to try to control sheet creation order - but tbh they call can have issues - so the bet way to control this is to label the sheets prior to the union (and prior to the layout). you would use sheet names like:


1. summary

2. employee detail

3. employee other detail


you then use these as the vertical section break in your layout tool. Excel will then show you 1 summary first.
