Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Regurgitating topic: The field "Field Name" is not contained in the record

8 - Asteroid



This have been discussed over and over on here but I have not found the solution to my issue so please pardon this regurgitation of the same topic.  In the included screenshot, the error is in the DateTime parsing tool where the column name cannot be located. This workflow was uploaded to our internal alteryx server in order to be scheduled and shared among us.  This simple workflow will pull the latest file, format the columns and prepare a number of outputs for a number of reports.  There is no additional calculation except for the use of summary tool on some of the specific outputs.  That portion of the screen is not shown in the attached screenshot.


As mentioned above, the error appears after the workflow was sent to the server for scheduling.  Both of the RegEx DateTime tools would error out even though the columns do exist.  Is it because

1. the dynamic input tool would prevent the list of columns to be communicated downstream until it runs

2. the same scenario with the AutoField and DataCleansing tools

3. other unknown reasons


Has anyone encounter similar situation where such combination of tools would produce this unwanted result?  Perhaps there are some inherit process in one of these tools that would default to error when there is none?


Thanks ahead for your discussion/sharing.





Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@lnguyen Would you be able to share the workflow or a sample workflow so I can replicate the issue?
