Hi everyone
My question is really simple. I hope I can get the answer how as I have been looking everywhere for it but no results.
My question is: how can I save a data from alterx (output data) in R.data format? To simply it and use it in my R studio??
If there is anyway to do this please let me know and if R tool can solve it please let me know and how to use it
Thank you very much
Not using an Alteryx Output Data Tool you can't. If you have a data stream that ends in data you want to output in R, then you'd have to use the R-tool to read it in, and then use R-code in the tool to write it out.
For example, say I have incoming stream [#1] from Alteryx. I connect it to the R-tool and then my R-code within the R-tool is this:
incoming.data <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
saveRDS(incoming.data,"C:\\Users\\mbarone\\OneDrive - Paychex\\Desktop\\Altyerx_to_RDS.RDS")
The file Alteryx_to_RDS.RDS is then an RDS file.