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Quick help: Pearson Correlation tool vs Association analysis tool with data comparison

5 - Atom

Hello all,


Can someone help me understand why if I use the Pearson correlation tool vs the Association Analysis tool on the same data set with the same selected variables how can I interpret the output and explain the variables simply to a non technical/non mathematical business audience?


  • If i am trying to predict revenue on store, I assume I would want to use the association analysis tool, then select the most important variables showcased by p value? Or is this not the best way to interpret?
  • It appears as though Pearson correlation tool is outputting the "Association Measure" while the association analysis tool is outputing the "Association Measure" and the "p-value"
    • Is this accurate from how the tools work?
  • If I was explaining this to a non technical /non mathematic business partner -- Does anyone have insight on how to inherently simply define and explain the difference between an association measure and a p-value when it comes to the association tool when comparing variable association?


Screens for context (+adding workflow)


Using Pearson correlation tool i select all variables

  • JoeMarco_1-1633723390174.png
  • I look at correlation for the variable i was interested in:
    • JoeMarco_2-1633723450711.png


When using the association analysis tool I select the following inputs:

  • JoeMarco_3-1633723506266.png
  • I see association measure same as pearson correlation tool, but now see p-value in analysis
  • JoeMarco_4-1633723558495.png
    • I assume the *** next to the p values indicate my most significant variables to consider based off my target variable? And I think i can also include these all have a negative linear correlation (as one goes up the other goes down)?





These tool mastery articles take a deep dive into both of these tools and I think make it accessible to business users: 


Pearson Correlation tool: 

Association Analysis tool: 
