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Pull Salesforce Field Value Labels and not Field API Names

5 - Atom

Hi everyone,


I'm currently pulling down a few Salesforce standard and custom objects down through Alteryx's Salesforce Input Tool.  I'm realizing that the values I'm pulling down are the API Names in an object field, and not the label values that a user would see through the front-end UI.  What I need to retrieve are the label values that our users see through the UI, as we are building external reports and require the values between salesforce and these external reports to match.


For instance, we have a custom object called "custom_price__c", and one field in particular is called "price_type".


In the Price_type field, the API values are on the left, and the front-end label values are on the right:


Price1>> Customer Price

Price2 >> Company Price

Price3 >> External Facing Price


The only thing that I can see and pull down through the alteryx is the API values on the left. What I'd like to pull are the front-end label values to the right. 


Any tips, or suggestions would be appreciated.

12 - Quasar

Hi @nharper ,

It's been a bit since I worked with the Salesforce connector, but if I remember correctly the field labels are placed in the 'Description' of each field. You should be able to verify if this is true by looking at the 'description' for each field in the Select tool. If this is the case, you can use the 'Field Info' tool in conjunction with a 'Dynamic Select' tool to rename the fields to their descriptions. A rough example of this is below. Let me know how that works for you!





