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Parsing XML with Multiple Outer Structures

5 - Atom

I have an XML that has multiple structures in it at the Invoice and Line level and I am trying to find a good way to parse this.  The XML structure is such that a batch can have multiple invoices, and invoice can have multiple lines.  However, certain address elements can be populated at either (or both) the invoice and the line level.  I can't figure out how to parse the child element (such as BILL_TO) and determine what invoice/line it came from.

















My end goal is to have every single line parsed to a single row in a table with the batch/invoice header details repeating for each line.  I've gotten about 50% of the way there but I'm stuck on these structural elements that are repeated at the invoice and line level.


Any creative ideas would be appreciated.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Have a look at the Parse XML macro. It flattens multi-layered XML files and then you can manipulate the data yourself after that. You can find it on the public Alteryx Gallery, but here's a copy attached.

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus


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Thank you!

7 - Meteor

This is a great macro where we are getting all the data, however I see the data is coming in 2 columns. Can we have the data in a tabular format where Name and value columns are crosstabbed and the data will be in a Tabular format based on the data structure. I am finding it difficult to stack the relevant data in a column.

