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Output Tool

8 - Asteroid

Hi Team,


I want to output the data in one excel file with different sheets


Also when in one of the sheet when there is no data I still need the headers in that sheet. also it should overwrite the sheets when found the data.


Could you please help me on the same.


Many Thanks in advance 



9 - Comet

You can use normal output tool to output to each sheet.


Depending on how your data and workflow looks like you can do this with different approach.


1. Now when you are outputting the data to same excel, there has to be a sequence else you will get "unable to open file" error. To avoid that you can refer the answer here about how to sequence the output.


Re: can we run one container after another in Alte... - Alteryx Community


2. However, if the data source is single, you can simply use "Take File/Table Name from Field" option in output tool and select the field of identifier.


If above points don't help, do let us know a sample data and output or snip of your workflow.

16 - Nebula

@sneha_bhiwagade1 share a sample data and expected output 
will help with the flow.

15 - Aurora

Use multiple Output tools, each in a separate Control Container.


See  Control Container Tool (


For the first Output tool to run, you may want to select Output Options "Overwrite File (Remove).  Then for the other Output tools select Overwrite Sheet or Range.


Screenshot 2024-08-08 063124.png

The Output tool will not write anything if there is no data. 

To write out the headers only when the sheet is empty, you can use Count Records to identify zero records, then use tools like Text Input and Union, to add one record like "No data for this Sheet" to one text field.


