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Output Message on App Ran on Server - How to input field name in here

10 - Fireball



Is it possible to create an output message and include a field name from within the workflow?



9 - Comet

Hi @wonka1234 . Depending on your use case this may vary but just prior to your Message Tool I would Transpose the data and reference the Field Name in the Message.

10 - Fireball

@ChrisWaspe  thx! but how do I display this message on success of running app on server?

9 - Comet

@wonka1234 Apologies for misunderstanding the requirement. I don't believe that functionality is possible without some very cumbersome workarounds. There is the option to Hard Code/Write output messages. Or Intentional produce an Error message using the message tool, which will be displayed once the workflow has run. But I assume this is not the route you would like to go.

Hopefully someone more knowledgeable will figure it out

12 - Quasar

hi @wonka1234 


I can see two posibilities:

  • Server Notification emails are a server feature, this option does not allow you to include any information from the Workflow.
  • The second option is adding the Email and the Block Until Done tools to you workflow, the first branch of your Block Until Done is your current workflow, while the second branch could be use to build your email, notice the Sample Tool reducing the data stream to 1 single record, otherwise you will send as many emails as records in your data stream.


The screenshoot was taken from a mock up workflow, I attached the WF for information.


This workflow will not run in your desktop, and connection to the email server should be created at your Alteryx Server; The Server admin or Artisan should be able to give you the "SMTP" and "Port" or give you the name created with the Data Connection Manager to access the email serve.


Good luck and happy emailing!


Hope this helps,


12 - Quasar

Hi @wonka1234 


I forgot to attach the workflow

12 - Quasar

Hi @wonka1234 


Below the same workflow, with the Message Tool, actually, the message tool allows you to include fields from your workflow; perhaps you don't need the email after all.



10 - Fireball

anyway that message can be displayed  in the attached screenshot? 

THE MESSAGE must contain data from a field. 1 col x 1 row. not HARDCODED. 



12 - Quasar

Hi @wonka1234 


Can you share your workflow screenshot? it is very difficult to help-assist just by showing up the message; in my screenshot, I hardcode a message to illustrate the concept, but at that point all the variables is the data flow are available.





12 - Quasar

Hi @wonka1234 


Do you have an update regarding this question?


