Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Output Excel Files

8 - Asteroid

Is there a way to rename an excel output file, based on a column in the Alteryx Workflow or the current month/date?

11 - Bolide

Yes, if you need, just use a formula tool to get the current month or date using the formula DateTimeTrim([Field],'month') or DateTimeToday() - or just use the field you already have in the workflow. Make sure it has the same value in all cells under the field. Then configure the output tool as follows to use the field name to update the field name when writing.



8 - Asteroid

Thank you. It there also a way to save it as an output Excel file on the drive?

11 - Bolide

@NBPS, ah I see. You're asking about how to rename the files that are already in a folder, correct?

To dynamically rename the files in a folder based on some field or formula (such as one that calculates the current date or month), you'll need to use the R, Python or Run Command tool. The Run Command tool is probably the most traditional way to approach this problem.
I've attached a workflow that should help. Let me know if you have any questions.
