Hi Community After installation of output input tool we unable to publish out workflow in PROD getting below error.
Could any one advice
Hi @shpatil!
What version is your server? I think it is only compatible after 2021.4.
I am unable to use this tool for that reason.
Hi again @shpatil!
I think the version of your server might be the issue.
Here is the Alteryx documentation on this tool:
I'm not sure if anyone else can weigh in on this topic, but you might also try opening a case with support@alteryx.com.
@shpatil Can you explain how the tool was installed on the server, and were any files modified afterward? Your error suggests that the tool was installed successfully, but that it cannot resolve the path to the engine file. Are you perhaps running the workflow as a different user than what was used during installation?
Hi @rpaugh,
Yes you are right. We re-installed tool with a admin account and checked so it working fine now.
Thanks for your approach.
Yes you are right. However it is working fine now. We re-installed the tool with Admin Account and it's work.
Thanks for advice and time.
Thanks @rpaugh!