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ODBC Database Connection through VPN pulls table with empty text fields

5 - Atom



i try to access data from a database. I am working from home with a vpn connection.

I can actually pull data, and i also see some number/date values. However, all the text fields are replaced with a single whitespace character.

This behavior doesn't occur when using the same workflow in the office without vpn. There i can see the text fields normally.


I can also see the text fields, When using an excel file to fetch the same query. (also using vpn)


I selected generic connection > ODBC > and choosed the DNS connection (Driver: Adaptive Server Enterprise) stored in my ODBC administration sources.

13 - Pulsar

Total guess but could be some sort of data redaction in place for PII.  I would check with your Database Administrator. 


Good Luck,

