I have a new error showing up on my Tableau Output Tool:
An incoming anchors closed, but plugin has errors.
I'm not entirely sure what is causing the error and have not been able to resolve it. has anyone else seen this error pop up?
From another post, I gather this is related sometimes to a Python SDK and I believe the Tableau Output tool does have Python on the back end (for TabCmd). However, I don't have control over that particular SDK.
UPDATE: Apparently I have a missing field. As Taylor Swift would say, "It's me. I. I'm the problem. It's me."
Have a look at the Link below not sure if that relates to your issue.
Connection Errors with Python-based Connector Tool... - Alteryx Community
I'm also running in to this problem and cannot figure out what's wrong. What was the 'missing field' you found, and how did you fix it?
@camavent This error can also occur when you have other errors in the workflow, check that you have no other errors
@FinnCharlton you nailed it, that fixed it! Thank you so much for the reply, I've been pulling my hair out all day trying to figure out how to get it to work.