Hi Team,
Hope your well .
I am hoping you can help me (My mind is drawing a blank)
I have 2 input files which consists of the following ;
Input 1
ID | Practice_ID |
001j000000eKjdHAAS | 123456 |
Input 2:
ID | Practice_ID |
001j000000eKjdAAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdCAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdDAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdEAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdFAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdGAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdHAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdIAAS | 123456 |
001j000000eKjdiAAC | 123456 |
What i would like to do is following ;
1) Using Id in "Input 1" search for the Id in "Input 2" and when the IDs match then in a new Column called "Outcome" tag the Record "HQ"
2) Where the Remaining Ids & Practice Id doesn't match back to "input 1" then in the Outcome column tag "Office"
3) Produce a new Column called "Parent id"
4)Populate the HQ ID in the "Parentid" field where the HQ Practice_ID matches the other Practice_ID
NB : Where Outcome = HQ, Parentid should be blank
Expected OutCome :
ID | Practice_ID | Outcome | Parentid |
001j000000eKjdAAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdCAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdDAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdEAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdFAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdGAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdHAAS | 123456 | HQ | |
001j000000eKjdIAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdiAAC | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
Looking forward to your response
Hi @Masond3 ,
a little bit of joining and multi-row magic did the trick.
I've attached the workflow for you.
Hope this helps.
Hi @mceleavey
Thanks for sending this across.
Whilst testing your flow with some different scenarios ie additional Ids & Different Practice ID for the second input file, i have noticed that on the final output one parentid is being stamped for all the Offices
I have re attached your flow with the example set i was testing with.
Hi @mceleavey
For a given Practice id and the Outcome = Office, then the parentId field should be populated with the HQ id for that practice id
For example
ID | Practice_ID | Outcome | Parent |
001j000000eKga2AAC | 18000062 | HQ | |
001j000000eKincAAC | 18000062 | Office | 001j000000eKga2AAC |
001j000000eKgo7AAC | 18000105 | Office | 001j000000eKjbJAAS |
001j000000eKjbJAAS | 18000105 | HQ | |
001j000000eKjbIAAS | 18000105 | Office | 001j000000eKjbJAAS |
001j000000eKgocAAC | 18000149 | HQ | |
001j0000018keiqAAA | 18000149 | Office | 001j000000eKgocAAC |
001j000000cVKanAAG | 18000169 | Office | 001j000000eKj7iAAC |
001j000000eKj7iAAC | 18000169 | HQ | |
001j000000cVKS2AAO | 18000172 | Office | 001j000000eKj7jAAC |
001j000000eKj7jAAC | 18000172 | HQ | |
001j000000eKgosAAC | 18000185 | HQ | |
001j000000eKjbRAAS | 18000185 | Office | 001j000000eKgosAAC |
001j000000eKjbQAAS | 18000185 | Office | 001j000000eKgosAAC |
001j000000eKgovAAC | 18000192 | Office | 001j000000yRSIdAAO |
001j000000yRSIdAAO | 18000192 | HQ | |
001j000000eKgpuAAC | 18000287 | HQ | |
001f100001ZXkSrAAL | 18000287 | Office | 001j000000eKgpuAAC |
001j000000eKgq5AAC | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001f100001DOUe8AAH | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001f100001DOViHAAX | 18000309 | HQ | |
001j000000eKjbjAAC | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001j000000eKjbiAAC | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001j000000eKjbhAAC | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001j000000eKjbgAAC | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001f100001Ye0NQAAZ | 18000309 | Office | 001f100001DOViHAAX |
001j000000eKjdAAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdCAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdDAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdEAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdFAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdGAAS | 123456 | Office | 001j000000eKjdHAAS |
001j000000eKjdHAAS | 123456 | HQ |
Hi @Masond3 ,
Based on M solution, can you try sticking the part inside the comment box in the workflow and see if that does it
It essentially filters out the "HQ" and then joins them back based on the Practice ID. Then the formula assigns the Parent ID.