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Navigation (pulling in subsequent row data to a field)

7 - Meteor

I am trying to organise some web browsing data to put into a sankey.


It looks like this: 


Person 130/04/2024 00:00Novo Nordisk Lcs 009 (2) En Final (1)
Person 101/05/2024 00:00Novo Nordisk Lcs 009 (2) En Final (2)
Person 103/05/2024 00:00/home
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/home
Person 203/05/2024 00:00Let me introduce you
Person 203/05/2024 00:00Let me introduce you
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/home/new-leaders-connect
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/home/new-leaders-connect:nlc-collection


I want a new column which shows the next page they navigated to, ie, the value held in the 'action' field from the next row, such as


UserDateActionnext action
Person 130/04/2024 00:00Novo Nordisk Lcs 009 (2) En Final (1)Novo Nordisk Lcs 009 (2) En Final (2)
Person 101/05/2024 00:00Novo Nordisk Lcs 009 (2) En Final (2)/home
Person 103/05/2024 00:00/home 
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/homeLet me introduce you
Person 203/05/2024 00:00Let me introduce youLet me introduce you
Person 203/05/2024 00:00Let me introduce you/home/new-leaders-connect
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/home/new-leaders-connect/home/new-leaders-connect:nlc-collection
Person 203/05/2024 00:00/home/new-leaders-connect:nlc-collection


Any thoughts? :)

20 - Arcturus

@DKMI use the multi-row tool for your use-case

