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Multiple filter criteria

7 - Meteor



I have the following set up for 3 filters (far right of the attached screenshot):


Filter 1: Filter for only the current month action items:

ToDate([Target Completion Date]) <= ToDate(DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"lastofmonth")) AND ToDate([Target Completion Date]) >= ToDate(DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"firstofmonth"))


Filter 2: Filter for only the previous month action items:

ToDate([Target Completion Date]) <= DateTimeAdd(DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"lastofmonth"), -1, 'month') AND ToDate([Target Completion Date]) >= DateTimeAdd(DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"firstofmonth"), -1, 'month')


Filter 3: Filter for both previous and current month action items:

ToDate([Target Completion Date]) <=DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"lastofmonth") AND ToDate([Target Completion Date]) >= DateTimeAdd(DateTimeTrim(DateTimeToday(),"firstofmonth"), -1, 'month')





1. For the 3 filters above, I want to add another criterion. The criterion would be if one of the columns "Adequacy" reads "False". 

Can I just do AND([Adequacy]) ="False"


2. How do I go about to create a fourth filter where, in addition to the new criterion above, I want to also include action items for the current month and the previous months, i.e. as we are in March 2022, I want to show the results of March 2022 + all the months prior? Filter 3 only has March 2022 and Feb 2022.





20 - Arcturus

@alteryxlim If your filter condition is common to all the 3 conditions then I think you should add this condition in the first filter  [Project] = "Asset" 

[Project] = "Asset"  AND([Adequacy]) ="False"



for the second condition you can add something like below


ToDate([Target Completion Date]) <= DateTimeNow()


7 - Meteor

@binuacs Thanks for this. This might seem obvious but I am getting error with [Project] = "Asset" AND ([Adequacy]) ="False". The error message reads: Invalid type in operator ==. I can't see what is wrong with this simple formula.

20 - Arcturus

@alteryxlim please upload the input file so that I can test your workflow 

7 - Meteor

Will do, by the way, it should be "Adequate" and not "Adequacy".


I see the yxmd file is only 13KB. Let me know if this is the right file.

20 - Arcturus

@alteryxlim your alteryx doesn't contain the input file Assurance_Action_Tracker_28_Mar_2022.xlsx, can you upload the same? 

7 - Meteor
20 - Arcturus

@alteryxlim the Adequate field is Boolean data type (True or False) value. So that you can give like below in the filter conditon




7 - Meteor



How does ![Adequate] achieve the right filter? I want the filter to show only Adequate = False and I don't see anywhere you have specified in your edited workflow the "False" criterion. 

20 - Arcturus

@alteryxlim as I mentioned Adequate is a Boolean  field means which can hold either True or False value, the ! (NOT) is FALSE value, 
