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Multiple IF THEN statement with multiple AND and OR functions

6 - Meteoroid

I am trying to write a formula expression that basically pulls all rows that include the certain items from three distinct columns. See formula below - these are financial type "futures", swap type "security" and any of the 5 business units listed within the formula below. Right now, the only business unit that is included is the last "QRST", but i know that data should be pulling for the first four business units as well. Can anyone help me update my formula? Not sure why this is happening. Thanks!


IF [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name] ="ABCD" or [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name]="EFGH" or [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name]="IJKL" or [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name]="MNOP" or [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name]="QRST" THEN "Futures - Energy" ELSE "No" ENDIF

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@all-tricks-rick Try something like this using an In statement:

IF [Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name] IN("ABCD","EFGH",.....,"QRST") Then "Futures - Energy" Else "No" Endif

EDIT: For What it's worth, I would also replace the IF statement with an IIF


IIF([Financial Type]="FUTURES" and [Swap Type] ="Security" and [Business Unit Name] IN("ABCD","EFGH",.....,"QRST"),"Futures - Energy","No")
6 - Meteoroid

That works - thank you!
