Hey - looking to calculate % uptime based on what is in service vs out of service by powered/nonpowered equipment by Station.
right now, i have a table that is outputting based on date/status/station/powered-nonpowered...
So i need 3 metrics out of this.. by station
1 - Powered uptime - [out of service/(out of service + in service)
2 - Non Powered uptime - [out of service/(out of service + in service)
3 - Total uptime - Total of all equipment
How would I also account for rows that don't output anything out of service?
Thanks for your help in advance!
Solved! Go to Solution.
I believe this would be doable using multiple summarize tools and union tool.
please share a sample dataset to help you further.
hey assaf - that would work but i have 40 stations and its not a scalable solution. i will attach a sample data set.
Thanks assaf! I actually used a crosstab and that did the fix for me. Thank you for getting back to me!