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More than 1 batch macro in a workflow to generate word documents, unable to produce report


I have a workflow with more than 1 batch macro, to query database in different forms. The first macro would expand the list of products each contributor produce., and then generate stats tables for each products. Then the end report would have many visualised tables for all products of each contributor. The renderred end report should be a hig level summary by contributor. 


I only managed to render report when I have only one contributor. With more than 1 contributor, the report doesn't render anything.  




Screenshot 2024-03-12 143143.png


Do you mean no files - or a blank file? Kind of hard to tell from this. If you mean Blank file - I'd look if you render the correct file - and then overwrite it with a blank file. 


no file at all. The report only render into a word document when I run 1 contributor at a time.  

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @christinaliu 


You'll need to track down exactly where the output is returning no records.  Look after the macros, and again after each of multiple join tools.  For the latter it's possible that one of the tools is configured to only output records from all inputs, but when you add more than one contributor, you're missing key fields.


