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Many outputs in one Excel file


Hi everyone, 


I'm new here and also new with Alteryx .

I'm having problem to export my outputs into one Excel File:  From 1 data input I have to create 10 different outputs (10 reports)  and try to save them in one Excel File.  Please find below some images and also my workflow image. 


 I got so many error messages. Is it the right tools I use in this case ? 


I also have another question : Can I save my new ouputs into the same report as my initial input?  I tried it by I got some error. So I'm not sure, probably I did something not correct !!! 


thank you so much for your helps








Yesterday, I tried to edit my workflow and put the BLOCK UNTIL DONE right BEFORE the output Data tool (at the right sequence). 

 I didn't get the same message error anymore after.


I think I shouldn't insert it like I did before !!!


Will test it again with my other workflows.


thank you 
