I am receiving the following error when transferring Oracle LDAP data to an .accdb file. The data transfers successfully to .mdb files. The .accdb file received field names only but no data. I installed the following Engine as recommended in other .accdb discussions. I restarted my PC and re-added the MS Access DSN.
Error: Output Data (7): DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Microsoft Access Database Engine:
Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors.
Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done. Insert into `Table1`(...
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi @sbaker,
Your error looks similar to the one mentioned there : https://community.alteryx.com/t5/Data-Sources/Error-in-Saving-the-Output-in-xlsx-not-in-csv/td-p/178
Could you check if any there is any Int64 in your workflow that could that could cause your issue?
Thank you PaulN. That discussion helped on two points: I had to changed Int64 to Int32, and I had to change Oracle date fields to String (which is the next problem). The transfer from Oracle to .accdb was successful.
I am getting the same error thrown at me. I can run my process off of my desktop version with the ETL completing completely fine. However when I promote to server and run out of the gallery, I get the above error. I have changed to int 32 as well.
DataWrap2OleDb::SendBatch: Microsoft Access Database Engine: Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.
I solved this issue using .mdb in case of .accmd