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Loop through folder for each excel file perform save files individually to output folder

7 - Meteor

Hi Team ,


In my Input file I have 4 excel files. 3 of which to be used for loop, they have same excel format/column sequencing.


The 4th file is for performing the Find & Replace operation. 


I want to create dynamic workflow where , Workflow reads X number of excel file, exclude 1 unique ( for Find & Replace) and perform the operation for each file, and save each file individually in Output folder.


I have attached folders for quick help. In Input folder 3 excel files are ( Jan, Feb & Mar). Help is required to understand how can I read the 3 files (*.csv) one by one and exclude file named ( C A Mapping_MM_DD_YYYY.xlsx).


Perform Find & Replace ( Jan file column D) with  C A Mapping_MM_DD_YYYY.xlsx ( column A) and add column in Jan file with column G from mapping file. 


Output is required to be saved at Output folder for each file separately. 





21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

It shows one test.csv, but the workflow generates seperated CSVs based the file name field.

Kindly run and check the output. and would appreciate if you mark it as accepted.😁
